Board Game On | Welcome to the Adventure Game Blog

Welcome to the Adventure Game Blog. I am your host, Samantha. Did you know that games provide 23% more learning than traditional learning? In 2013, a research paper shows that trying to learn while playing a game made knowledge stick more than traditional learning. Co-play learning was even more successful.
At the Adventure Begins we have a bunch of games that are great for educational purposes. One of those and my all time favorite is 7 Wonders. In 7 Wonders, you are the leader of one of the 7 great cities of the Ancient World. Gather resources, develop commercial routes, and affirm your military supremacy. Build your city and erect an architectural wonder which will transcend future times.
7 Wonders lasts three ages. In each age, players receive seven cards from a particular deck, choose one of those cards, then pass the remainder to an adjacent player. Players reveal their cards simultaneously, paying resources if needed or collecting resources or interacting with other players in various ways. (Players have individual boards with special powers on which to organize their cards, and the boards are double-sided). Each player then chooses another card from the deck they were passed, and the process repeats until players have six cards in play from that age. After three ages, the game ends.
In essence, 7 Wonders is a card development game. Some cards have immediate effects, while others provide bonuses or upgrades later in the game. Some cards provide discounts on future purchases. Some provide military strength to overpower your neighbors and others give nothing but victory points. Each card is played immediately after being drafted, so you'll know which cards your neighbor is receiving and how her choices might affect what you've already built up. Cards are passed left-right-left over the three ages, so you need to keep an eye on the neighbors in both directions. Though the box of earlier editions is listed as being for 3–7 players, there is an official 2-player variant included in the instructions. (
Another great board game for educational purposes is Catan.Since the release of Catan (at that time still The Settlers of CATAN) in 1995, the game has developed into a modern classic that is available worldwide in over 40 languages. To date, over 35 million games have been sold. With numerous extensions and additions, everyone can create their own personal gaming experience and immerse themselves in the world of Catan in new ways. (
We have an amazing Kickstarter to talk about this week. The kickstarter is Thunder Road Vendetta. It's a revamp of a car combat/ racing game from the 80’s. Check out the different levels and all your Thunder Road Vendetta needs here:
Don’t forget we do offer board game night every 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 6-close. You should come out and test board games to your heart's desire!! Don’t forget to check in next week and see what events we have going on in the next few weeks!!
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The Adventure Begins | 525 Woodland Square Blvd. #130, Conroe, TX 77384 | 936-273-3223
Tags: cards, comics, sports, games, store, more, adventure, begins