Comics Comics Comics | Grand Adventure 7.6
Welcome to the Grand Adventure Blog. I am your host, Samantha.
This week we are full of amazing comics!! Have you checked out our Facebook page and have seen Chaz’s comic picks for the week? If you haven’t you need too. His picks are spot on!!
This week I have two comics to talk about! I am so excited to share with you these because they are new to me. I have heard of some of them but never read them til this past week and I am HOOKED!!
Our first comic is Strange Academy #18. Platitudes get thrown around a lot in these pages, but if you have been reading STRANGE ACADEMY, you know we don’t mess around. So listen up, AFTER THIS ISSUE THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AT STRANGE ACADEMY. Seriously, you do not want to miss this issue that is going to destroy you emotionally and destroy the school beyond recognition.
Secondly we have Once & Future #27. What happens when the fabled sword appears, but no one is able to pull it out? Is this peace finally the result of so many hard-fought battles? Perhaps, but an unexpected claim to the throne is lurking, closer than Bridgette and Duncan can imagine.
We also have our ratios for COMIC LOTTERY!! The lottery is every Tuesday at 5:30 pm!! Come and enjoy some comics with Chaz, Dina and Jason! This weeks comics are:
- DC vs Vampire Killers #1 (1:25)
- Iron Cat #1 (1:10)
Welcome to my manga corner. We have an amazing selection of mangas in the store with new items coming in daily!! Don’t forget to come and check out what we have on the shelves.
Our first manga today is Superwoman in Love! Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit vol 4. Thanks to their close bond, superheroine Hayate and the ex-villainess Honey Trap have managed to discover a new power! But that’s not all that’s new; Hayate has realized she has feelings for Honey but is struggling to sort them out. Meanwhile, a new self-proclaimed superheroine, Mitsuki Moe, takes the stage and is convinced that Hayate and Honey are bad guys!
Our last manga this week is a great one!! Please welcome, X-Gender Vol. 1. Asuka is neither a woman nor a man—they’re X-gender (a non-binary identity)—and they’ve realized they like women! Okay, now what? Adult films are fun to watch, but real sex is less appealing. Would having a penis make that better or worse? Periods already suck, and sex means more fluids from more people! This autobiographical manga follows Asuka’s feelings about their body, their relationships, and the fun (and sometimes terrible) experience of having an awakening in their thirties.
Did you know we also do COMIC GRADING?? We do!! Come and see Macayla on the first Friday of the month with your favorite, or just a great comic you want to get graded. We have had some amazing entries and even better grades. All grading is done by CBCS and EGS.
Chaz and Dina are collecting comics and donations for comics for Kids and Troops. They have partnered with Comic Books for Kids/ Comic Books for Troops (, to donate comics for kids who are sick and to send out to our troops all over the world. Don’t have comics and don’t want to purchase any? That is fine, there is a donation box where you can donate. All donations are welcome.
Be on the lookout for the next blog. We are having some fun and exciting things going on in the month of July. Don’t forget to come in if you have any questions about anything on the blog or if you just want to come by and say hello. Until next time!
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The Adventure Begins | 525 Woodland Square Blvd. #130, Conroe, TX 77384 | 936-273-3223
Tags: cards, comics, sports, games, store, more, adventure, begins