The Adventure Community Blog 6.14.23

Welcome to the Adventure Community Blog. I am your host, Samantha. Happy June everyone!! I hope this month finds you in cool weather and even cooler games! This week we have some crazy events for you and some recurring events. First things first, let's get these events started!
We are hosting some amazing events. Did you know it's college baseball season? You heard right. The Adventure Stadium is hosting a College World Series of Baseball Event. From May 29th through June 26th, we will be having all kinds of fun events. There is a punch card system in play with some pretty amazing prizes. There will be breaks, watch parties and many many more! Come up to the Stadium and learn all about it.
June 16th the new FLASH movie comes out and we are so excited to announce we are partnering with some local businesses to do something amazing! Welcome to the Flash Dash. The Adventure Begins along with Regal Unlimited and Bytes Arcade are doing a Flash Dash. You have to come to each location, find Flash and take a picture with him. Post all 3 pictures to your instagram or facebook tag the 3 businesses and be entered to win the GRAND PRIZE!! Hope to see you all soon!. This Flash Dash will run from the 15th through the 18th of June and the winner will be announced on the 19th!
June 30th is an INDIANA JONES MOVIE DAY!! You need to check it out at the Regal Benders Landing Movie Theater. I mean who doesn't love a treasure hunt? Do you know that the most famous movie treasure hunter in the world is Indiana Jones?? And guess what? His movies are legendary and his treasure maps are even more legendary. Come to the Regal Benders Landing and find the treasure map to follow to a Chalice Event. Pick the right chalice and win a special prize!
From the 26th to the 30th of June The Adventure Begins and Adventure Stadium will be hosting SUMMER CAMP for children ages 7-11. Each day is $55 and must be signed up for in ADVANCE. Some days are filling up fast, so get in while you can. Each day is also a different theme. On the 26th it is Collectable Cards from 11:30am - 4:30pm. The 27th is Fairy Tale Day. The 28th is D&D day. The 29th is Dinosaur Camp Day. The 30th is Pokemon Day. All times are 11:30am- 4:30pm.
Who doesn’t love LORD OF THE RINGS?!?! Did you know that the Stadium is going to be hosting a hobby shop exclusive pre-sale on WHATNOT!! The stream will start at 6:30pm. So make sure you get on and watch it Saturday the 17th!
June 23rd we will be hosting a LORD OF THE RINGS: TALES OF MIDDLE EARTH LAUNCH PARTY!! Participants will receive 3 Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle Earth Draft boosters which they will use to draft a deck. Players will have 50 minutes for draft and deck construction followed by rounds of swiss-style competition. $20 entry, 24 player maximum. Get your spots while they are still available.
We do have some staples that recur every week! You have a community waiting for you. Come one and all to the crazy week-in and week-out events.
- Adventure League JR. ( 1st & 3rd Sundays, please pre-register online) 4 pm -8 pm
- Adventure League ( 2nd & 4th Sundays, please pre-register online) 4 pm - 8 pm
- Magic the Gathering: Casual Meet up 1 pm -4 pm
- Yu-Gi-Oh!: Tournaments every week 6 pm- 10 pm
- Skirmish Sundays 4:30 pm start time
- Miniature Mondays: Every Week 4 pm- 9 pm
- Art Meetup: Every Week 4 pm- 8 pm
- Battletech Casual Meet up and play 5pm-10pm
- One Piece Casual Meetup and Play $10 entry 6:30 start
- Digimon Card Game: Tournaments and casual play 6 pm-10 pm Register Online
- Blood Bowl Casual Meetup 6pm-10pm
- Yu-Gh-Io!: Every week 6 pm - 10 pm
- Ladies Night: Casual Meetup (Every 3rd week) 5 pm
- Bring Your Own Board Game Night: Every Week (6 pm-9 pm)
- Weiss Schwarz: Every week (6 pm-10 pm)
- Flames of War/ Team Yankee: Casual Meetup Every Week (6 pm-10 pm)
- DragonBall Super Card Game: Every week REGISTER ONLINE (7 pm-10 pm)
- Atomic Mass Games: Crisis Protocol, Star Wars X-Wing, Star Wars Legion: Every week (5 pm)
- Magic the Gathering: LIMITED TOURNAMENT- register & check dates online (6 pm-10 pm)
- Casual WarGaming ( Warhammer, Legion, Battletech, & More)
- Pokemon: Casual Meetup (12 pm-4 pm)
- Pokemon: Build and Battle Tournaments- Every 3rd Saturday (12 pm-4 pm)
- Magic the Gathering: Commanders- every week (5 pm start)
Some amazing things are going on, so don’t forget to check our website for all details. Check back next week for some more amazing events! Until next week!
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The Adventure Begins | 525 Woodland Square Blvd. #130, Conroe, TX 77384 | 936-273-3223