Comics Comics Comics | Grand Adventure 6.22

Welcome to the Grand Adventure Blog. I am your host, Samantha. I want to first apologize for my absence. I have a family emergency going on and I also messed up my ankle. While on the medication and driving to and from the family emergency, writing slipped my mind, so for that my readers I apologize. Now lets get on to the good stuff!!
This week on the Comic Lottery, hosted by Chaz, Dina, and Jason. You can find us on facebook, twitter at THERNRNERD, and on youtube. This weeks lotto is at 5:30pm on Tuesday June 21st. Next weeks ONLY comic is:
- Where Starships go to Die (1:15)
I have three amazing comics to bring to you this week, so be on the look out for them!! All three are so great that I couldn’t put down the beginnings of their series! They are all must reads!!
First up we have Fables #152. THE BLACK FOREST, CHAPTER TWO: PANDEMONIUM. One of the most famous Fables of all might be restored to her former glory, but it’s not going to come without a cost. The benefactor behind her magical resurrection has also come to collect from Geppetto, who we learn has a few strings of his own. Is this godlike being really the one behind the rise of the Empire? And why only now have they returned with a vengeance?
Second we have Gunslinger Spawn #9. Gunslinger is on the hunt for someone from his past. A person dear to his heart-but also a person who wants him DEAD? Who could it be? And why do they want him dead?
Our last comic for this week is Newburn #8. With both the cops and the Albano family closing in, Newburn may have finally found a case that even he can’t solve. PLUS: the wistful conclusion of “SPOOK-A-RAMA” from Gilly and Lee!!
In the world of Manga this week we have an amazing on for you!! I am obsessed with it, I can’t seem to get enough. You have to read it to get the full love but I know its going to be an epic arc.
May I introduce you to Strip the Flesh. Chiaki Ogawa has never doubled who he is, although the rest of the world hasn't been as kind. Bound by his mother’s dying wish, Chiaki tries to be a good daughter to his ailing father. But when the burden becomes to great, Chiaki sets out to remake himself in his own image and discovers more than just personal freedom in his transition—he finds understanding from the people who matter most.
Did you know we also do COMIC GRADING?? We do!! Come and see Macayla on the first Friday of the month with your favorite, or just a great comic you want to get graded. We have had some amazing entries and even better grades. All grading is done by CBCS and EGS.
Chaz and Dina are collecting comics and donations for comics for Kids and Troops. They have partnered with Comic Books for Kids/ Comic Books for Troops (, to donate comics for kids who are sick and to send out to our troops all over the world. Don’t have comics and don’t want to purchase any? That is fine, there is a donation box where you can donate. All donations are welcome.
Don’t forget, on Saturdays to look for the MAGIC WORD. Once you have it go to RAW CREATIONS, give the the magic word and you can get a 16 oz Smoothie for $5.
Be on the lookout for the next blog. We are having some fun and exciting things going on in the month of June. Don’t forget to come in if you have any questions about anything on the blog or if you just want to come by and say hello. Until next time!
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The Adventure Begins | 525 Woodland Square Blvd. #130, Conroe, TX 77384 | 936-273-3223
Tags: cards, comics, sports, games, store, more, adventure, begins