The Adventure Begins Community Blog 8/29/22

Welcome to the Adventure Community Blog. I am your host, Samantha. Happy August everyone!! I hope this month finds you in cool weather and even cooler games!
This week we have some crazy events for you as well as some recurring events. First things first, let's get these events started!
Friday, September 2nd, MTG Dominaria United Pre-Release Tournament is happening! Return to where it all began, and get ready to fight for the rights of all Planes in Dominaria United! This is a SEALED Pre-Release Event. Purchase of a spot guarantees 1 pre-release kit and the appropriate prize support based on final placement. There will be 3 Swiss-style competition rounds.
We have Marvel: Crisis Protocol Challenger Event happening Saturday, September 3rd. It is a $15 entry fee and there are only 12 spots available. Make sure you get yours soon!!! You can sign up and submit rosters through Longshanks:
Mark your calendars for SEPTEMBER 17TH!! The Adventure Begins is partnering up with DRIVE FOR KIDS which is also partnered with MSR HOUSTON. We are proud to be a part of a CHARITY CAR AND TRUCK SHOW. Fueled by motorsports enthusiasm and a charitable engine, Houston’s car club and racing communities are coming together to raise funds and awareness to raise funds and awareness to address child abuse in Harris and surrounding counties. Our 2nd Annual “Drive For Kids” event title is sponsored by Houston’s very own Lupe Tortilla, in partnership with Motor Speedway Resort of Houston Charities 501(c)(3).LupeTortilla will be serving BOTH breakfast and lunch this year; while MSR Houston will host and offer registration for up to 400 cars to participate in a charitable fundraising event. In addition to breakfast and lunch, the event will include morning parade laps, a VIPcar exhibition, HPDE hot lap sessions in the afternoon, and the opportunity together with sponsors and fellow motorsports enthusiasts in support of two local children’s charities: Child AdvocatesandArms WideAdoptionServices. Each Of These Charities Will Share The Proceeds from this event to support their ongoing missions. If you can’t go but would like to donate please follow the link:
We do have some staples that recur every week! You have a community waiting for you. Come one and all to the crazy week-in and week-out events.
- Adventure League JR. ( 1st & 3rd Sundays, please pre-register online) 4 pm -8 pm
- Adventure League ( 2nd & 4th Sundays, please pre-register online) 4 pm - 8 pm
- Magic the Gathering: Casual Meet up 1 pm -4pm
- Super Smash bros: ( 1st Sunday of the month) 6 pm - 10 pm
- Yu-Gh-io!: Tournaments every week 6 pm- 10pm
- Miniature Mondays: Every Week 4 pm- 9 pm
- Art Meetup: Every Week 4 pm- 8pm
- Digimon Card Game: Tournaments and casual play 6 pm-10 pm Register Online
- Graphic Novel Book Club for ages 16+. Starts at 5pm-8pm.
- Yu-Gh-Io!: Every week 6 pm - 10 pm
- Ladies Night: Casual Meetup (Every 3rd week) 5 pm
- Bring Your Own Board Game Night: Every Week (6 pm-9 pm)
- Weiss Schwarz: Every week (6 pm-10 pm)
- Flames of War/ Team Yankee: Casual Meetup Every Week (6 pm-10 pm)
- DragonBall Super Card Game: Every week REGISTER ONLINE (7 pm-10 pm)
- Atomic Mass Games: Crisis Protocol, Star Wars X-Wing, Star Wars Legion: Every week (5 pm)
- Magic the Gathering: LIMITED TOURNAMENT- register & check dates online (6 pm-10 pm)
- Warhammer 40k (11 am- 8 pm)
- Warhammer Age of Sigmar (11 am -8 pm)
- Battletech (11 am- 8 pm)
- Star Wars: Legion (11 am- 8 pm)
- Pokemon: Casual Meetup (12 pm-4 pm)
- Pokemon: Build and Battle Tournaments- Every 3rd Saturday (12 pm-4 pm)
- Magic the Gathering: Commanders- every week (5 pm start)
Some amazing things are going on, so don’t forget to check our website for all details. Check back next week for some more amazing events! Until next week!
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The Adventure Begins | 525 Woodland Square Blvd. #130, Conroe, TX 77384 | 936-273-3223
Tags: cards, comics, sports, games, store, more, adventure, begins